By 2021, a business will fall victim to a
ransomware attack every 11 seconds.
ransomware attacks
ransomware attacks
In the first half of 2020, ransomware
attacks grew by 715% as cybercriminals
began exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic
About half of businesses
worldwide are hit by
ransomware each year
Average global ransom demand
Average downtime cost as a
result of an attack
Leading causes of ransomware attacks reported by managed service providers (MSPs)
Downtime after
an attack can
cost nearly 50X
more than the
ransom itself
After an attack, businesses must spend valuable time restoring their systems
Repairing networks
Restoring backups
Replacing lost devices
Downtime from ransomware is costly at up to $274,200
of those who pay the ransom receive
a decryption tool from the hackers
That means they still face costly
downtime while decrypting
their data – 4% never successfully
recover the encrypted data
clients with a business continuity and disaster
recovery plan (BCDR) are less likely to experience significant downtime from ransomware
Reduce downtime during a
security incident or emergency
Quickly restore key information
for minimal disruption
with BCDR recover from
ransomware within 24 hours
Help maintain
regulatory compliance
Help you determine lessons
learned after an incident
Uses a “Rescue Agent” for disaster recovery while performing a continuously-mirrored bare
metal restore
Automated post-backup
ransomware scans and data and
boot verification ensures you know
as soon as ransomware is detected
Allows incremental reversion to
a previously-backed-up state
without reformatting or
Secures a backup solution to
prevent ransomware attacks
from compromising data
Minimizes downtime after an
attack or outage, with virtualization
in the cloud or locally
Offsite, secure, SOC 2 and GDPR
compliant, geo-replicated cloud
infrastructure enables fast and
secure disaster recovery
Enables data recovery across risk vectors
— even when the protected machine has
been compromised
Reducing the risk of ransomware requires a multi-layered approach.
Get in touch today to discover what your business can achieve with the right technology.
Reach out to our sales team to learn more about products, pricing and implementation.
Take a look at our products and explore key features and capabilities, as well as our intuitive user interfaces.